home ofToy Fox Terriers O'BJ

"Puppies with a future - from dogs with a past!"




Noble's rich rust-colored markings and tight glossy coat are like gold in Toy Fox Terrier breeding programs but both are ‘fading’ in many bloodlines.


The Toy Fox Terrier is all-terrier as regards hardy health and structure but the uncanny intelligence and huge round eyes of his Chihuahua ancestor make him unique among other terrier breeds!


Born September 2018, Noble is pictured at 14 months old.  His big round eyes are a hallmark of the breed as is his always happy but calm attitude.


In structural soundness (conformation), Noble is superb. He doesn't have to be posed for a picture because as horse people say "built right, stands right."  Note his short hocks, 'long and strong' stifle, and perfect shoulder layback.


At 18 months (left) Noble is a really "handsome" TFT like his famous grandsire, Ch. Hugely Handsome O'BJ (see menu bar). Hugely broke all records in the AKC show ring, making the Toy Fox Terrier 'the new breed to beat' in the Toy Group.


Noble's square outline, structural soundness and classic breed type make him hard to fault whether standing or gaiting. Noble is built like Hugely and in so many ways, like his mother (Purple Heart O'BJ), he is my Heart-dog.


He's the 3rd generation of O'BJ male dogs known coast-to-coast for faultless conformation, proud stance and those "huge" round eyes that are the hallmark of this toy-terrier breed.


Noble is pictured at right when he was only 10 months old. Note his short back and powerful rear construction with the 'highly desired but hard to get' strong knees and short hocks.


I limit myself to 8 dogs (including my old Chow) so when I couldn't part with Noble, I let his sire retire to Florida to be a full-time family dog with his own lap!  It is hard to let go but I've seen too much of what happens to breeders who keep too many dogs.


Toy Fox Terriers quickly fit in with children or the elderly and I have never-ever had a problem with retiring an adult dog. Not because I chose new owners so well... No, it is because this breed is so adaptable. Shucks, they've been reported to charm King Kong...


Candid photos are 'the real thing' because even an unsound or poorly made dog can be hand-posed to conceal structural faults but it is how the dog presents himself that matters. I have hundreds of posed show photos but prefer to show you these candid, ungroomed, untrimmed, and totally natural snapshots.


Here is Noble's mother Purple Heart O'BJ, so named because as a baby, she leaped off the deck and landed with her front leg in a concrete block. Earning her name, she bravely accepted a cast nearly as big as she was!  She clump-clumped through the house and healed without so much as a scar!


Factcheck: For those who know broken bones can be a problem in toy breeds, Heart is the only O'BJ dog that has ever had a broken bone. I breed for strong dense bone just as Akitas O'BJ are still known for world-wide.  Heart Of Gold, Sweetheart, Brave Heart, you name it, Purple Heart O'BJ is my heart-dog, my every-night lap dog and everything the TFT can and should be.


Noble's personality is all his!  Even as a baby he stood out for being his own little guy.  He made up new games like deliberately hiding toys from the rest of "the pack" and then observing their excitement when they found them!


He has taken it upon himself to "check his territory" each time they go out to run in the big yard. I was first impressed by his exceptional balance and movement as he trotted along the front fence line.  Then, after a few days of watching and admiring his "gait" I realized his ritual had purpose.


Hugely always patrolled the 1/2 acre front fence line when he went out. It gave me goosebumps when I realized Noble was doing exactly what his grandsire always did... Checking his territory and marking the posts.


He is the only other dog that has ever done that. And yes, I still marvel at that same incredible "side-gait" as Noble swiftly checks his territory.


Then satisfied there have been no intruders (like the 5 foot long black snake they killed!) he doubles back... purposely lifting his leg along the way. His self-appointed job completed, Noble dashes off to play with the rest of the pack. And yes, all three of my "stud dogs" get along amicably but NO, they do not go out together when I have a female in season. Then it is double-shifts 4 times a day but worth the extra time.


Last night, as Noble nudged his mother over claiming his place in my lap, I thanked his grandsire, my beloved Hugely. And that is why in my 80s, I plan to keep creating masterpieces...


Upcoming litter due by Ima x Noble, November 2022.  Email me for TFT puppy inquiry and to get on my deposit list.

190620022208  https://www.toyfoxterriersobj.com/GeneBank/Noble-Heart-OBJ.asp


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Reach Barbara Andrews at (828) 286-9945 (12 to 7 PM EST) or send an email to BJ, located in the Foothills of North Carolina. Click To Share This Page.


Copyright © O'BJ 2002 - All rights reserved.  Except for brief reference quotations with source provided, no portions thereof may be stored or reprinted in any form, electronic or otherwise, without prior express written consent of Barbara "BJ" Andrews, SAAB Member.